Anita and I have been friends since fifth grade and it has been such an amazing journey not to only watch, but to be able to grow with her as well. Recently, her adventures have brought her to a place in which she decided to become a yoga instructor and having just completed her yoga training, she is now a full fledge yoga teacher! Not too long ago I had the opportunity to take some of her promotional photos and it was great fun. Here are some samples from that day.
*shoot notes
All photos were shot in her sisters apartment with the help of a home made foam core v flat for a fill.
Finally made a post of photos that are an accurate representation of the work that I love to do. The photos are light and warm and authentic to the moments they were captured in.
I didnt think that space would be that tight, so I only brought my 50mm. Luckily her sister has a DSLR with a kit lens and graciously lent it to me for the shoot. I'm a Nikon guy, and it was a Canon, although I had to switch over to the dark side half the time, I was very glad I had it.